Yoku's Island Express PS4
Yoku's Island Express PS4


Yoku's Island Express – Launch Trailer | PS4

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Yoku's Island Express (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 日文)

主要特色: 開放世界彈珠冒險:採用獨特的彈珠台式平台跳躍遊戲風格,『Yoku's Island Express』帶來非線性的遊戲玩法,讓你可以自由選擇自己的路線,完成多條任務線。

Yoku's Island Express on Steam

Use a unique blend of pinball mechanics, platforming and open world exploration to unlock the secrets of Mokumana Island, help the locals, awaken ancient ...

Yoku's Island Express

Yoku's Island Express is an open world/metroidvania-style pinball adventure ... PlayStation 4; Xbox One. Initial Release Date: May 29, 2018. Developer: Villa ...

